Changzhou Guolin Refrigeration Equipment Factory

Design Method of Large Refrigeration Refrigerator Door

2019-05-21 11:10:41 874

The invention relates to a cold storage door of an air conditioning vestibule. In particular, the invention relates to the arrangement and control system of the air curtain, which controls the air temperature and the air temperature control method of the exhaust from the whole door.

In the field of large refrigerated freezers and similar equipment, it can be used in various systems, such as solid doors, relatively warm suites with curtains, wind curtains, and cold storage adjacent to each other. This is desirable in order to transfer traffic from a cold room to a warm room door from a cold room to a warm room from a person and through the cold storage between the equipment and the adjacent warm room safety and *** low cold air.

For safety, it is advisable to prevent fog, ice and water from forming in the doorway. Ice can mix with air to form a cold and warm vestibule. The formation of air curtain ice depends on the temperature and relative humidity of the room and can be characterized by a temperature-humidity saturation curve. From the mixing of relatively warm and cold air on both sides, a warm side of temperature and humidity and the temperature and humidity at the cold end can be obtained, and the linear characteristics between the temperature and humidity saturation charts and the plotting points along the curve can be drawn. Normally, when ice may form, the mixing line is left, above, and the saturation curve is warm and wet, because it is usually drawn.

Air discharged by heating the air curtain may be prevented from forming ice. By way of example, the exhausted air can be heated at the point of the saturation chart to maintain the right temperature, so line from the cold end and the warm side of the temperature/humidity point, and below that point, the saturation curve of the temperature and humidity, because it is usually drawn.

At the same time, avoid ice, water, fog formation, it is also desirable to operate as effectively as possible to add the required *** low amount to avoid such problems of heat, air curtain. With the temperature-humidity saturation chart, this means that the holding point is as close as possible to the hot air flow of the saturation curve, which never causes the cold end of the mixing line and the warm side temperature/humidity point contact or supersaturation curve.

There is a need to provide an air curtain and dynamic air conditioning method to overcome some of the defects less mentioned above. Therefore, less air curtain arrangement and control systems have been solved in this problem and other needs, and embodied in a model according to the method of the present invention. Such an embodiment is to arrange the air curtain at the door of the cold storage. Arrangements include discharge, which refers to the discharge of air flow across the door with a cold end and a warm side. Warm air flow in heater. The control unit is equipped with a heater to maintain the temperature of the air flow. Air return means receiving discharge air across the opening. An air temperature sensor provides the input of an air temperature controller. The control unit continuously monitors the temperature of air flow and the humidity ratio of mixed air in the air curtain on the basis of keeping the operation heater in unsaturated state.

Another example is to provide multiple air curtains for controlling air flow in the air curtain arrangement. The humidity ratio calculation is based on the arrangement of the air curtain at the intersection of a warm tangent, a temperature-humidity saturation curve and a cold-end curve. According to the calculated humidity ratio, the air flow with less than one air curtain is adjusted. According to the intersection point of the warm and cold tangent lines with less humidity than ***, the temperature is maintained at *** with less air curtain flow.

The use of air curtain is one of the ways to keep the doorway open while preventing a large amount of energy loss between the two sides of the vestibule. Air curtain air generally passes directly through the doorway to deal with the warmth that seeps into the refrigeration room and the cold air seeps out from the cold room. By way of example, the air curtain may cross the door horizontally or vertically in the air directly from the upper part of the air curtain.